Declaration of Sovereignty

xEarn DAO and its Members

Declaration of Sovereignty for the xEarn Dao

In Pursuit of Decentralized Autonomy and the Collective Pursuit of Happiness


We, the members of the xEarn Dao, in recognition of our commitment to fostering innovation, equitable prosperity, and the collective pursuit of happiness within the decentralized Web3 ecosystem, hereby declare our sovereignty as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) under the laws of the great state of Wyoming.

Article I: Purpose and Principles

We affirm our dedication to the following principles:

  1. Decentralization: We believe in the power of decentralized governance and decision-making, empowering every member to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the DAO.

  2. Innovation: We commit ourselves to continuous innovation, pushing the boundaries of Web3 technology, and fostering a culture of creativity and forward-thinking.

  3. Equity: We hold equity and fairness as paramount values, ensuring that every member has an equal opportunity to benefit from the resources and opportunities provided by the DAO.

  4. Protection of Pursuit of Happiness: We recognize and uphold the right of every member to the pursuit of happiness, and we strive to create an environment where each individual can achieve their aspirations.

Article II: Legal Foundation

Our DAO operates under the legal framework established by the state of Wyoming. We embrace the legal protections afforded to DAOs, recognizing that these regulations provide the stability necessary to facilitate innovation and secure the rights of our members.

Article III: Wyoming DAO Status

We proudly acknowledge our status as a Wyoming DAO, a jurisdiction known for its progressive stance on blockchain and crypto technologies. Wyoming's blockchain laws and business-friendly regulations offer us the platform to flourish, ensuring the security and longevity of the DAO's mission.

Article IV: Collective Prosperity

We hold that the pursuit of happiness is intrinsically linked to collective prosperity. As such, we are committed to:

  1. Financial Empowerment: We shall actively seek opportunities to grow the collective wealth of the DAO and its members through responsible financial strategies and investments.

  2. Opportunity Creation: We shall create opportunities for our members to thrive and earn, whether through project collaborations, partnerships, or any other means in alignment with our mission.

  3. Community Support: We shall provide support and resources to our members, enabling them to achieve their individual and collective goals within the DAO.

Article V: Inclusivity and Diversity

We acknowledge the value of diverse perspectives and experiences. We commit ourselves to fostering an inclusive environment where every member is respected and given the opportunity to contribute to the DAO's success.

Article VI: Amendments

This Declaration of Sovereignty may be amended through a democratic process that allows for the input and consensus of our members. Proposed amendments shall undergo review and must align with our core principles.

Article VII: Conclusion

This Declaration of Sovereignty is a testament to our unwavering commitment to innovation, equity, and the pursuit of happiness within the xEarn Dao. As we continue our journey, we stand united under these principles, embracing the opportunities of Web3, and striving for collective prosperity.

Last updated